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Which type of carpet lasts the longest?

Random Sheared
Level loop
Multi-level loop
Does not matter (all are the same)
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Question: Which type of carpet lasts the longest?
Top Answer (34% of 66 votes): Does not matter (all are the same).

Answer: Plush/velvet
Explanation: It's really based on the type of padding you install under the carpet and the strech that u apply when installing carpet determines the life span you'll get out of the product
Kenny's carpet service
Answer: Level loop
Explanation: Level loop Berber seems to hold up the best and last the longest
Flawless Floors of KC LLC
Answer: Plush/velvet
Explanation: it will be better a plush over 50 ounces nylon carpet
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: Depends on each situation is different traffic pet's children All cause different wear
Rj flooring
Answer: Multi-level loop
Explanation: I like the multi-level Loop because it's durable does not leave footprint marks and vacuum streaks
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: Depends on quality of carpeting
BCI Flooring Brokers Inc
Answer: Twist
Explanation: Depending on how it is maintained and the padding used I would recommend a short nap polyester carpet with stain guard.
The Floor Guys
Answer: Level loop
Explanation: Nylon carpet should always last longer in my experience. Polyester carpet has come along way with the new Technology in carpet fibers!!
Floors 2 UR Doors
Answer: Twist
Explanation: To get the best performance and most enjoyment out of your carpet it’s essential to select a carpet fiber that fits your needs. The majority of the carpet produced in the United States contains one of five primary pile fibers: nylon, polyester, polypropylene (olefin), triexta and wool. Synthetic fibers represent the vast majority of the fiber used to manufacture carpet in the U.S. Each fiber type offers somewhat different attributes of durability, abrasion resistance, texture retention, stain and soil resistance, colorfastness, ease of cleaning and color clarity. Manufacturers, retailers, specifiers, and designers are valuable resources in helping you determine the most appropriate fiber and carpet construction for your needs.
Empire Restoration & Cleaning Services
Answer: Multi-level loop
Explanation: Its a strong carpet and well worth the money
Carpet Mike
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: I'm not selling flooring, but in my experience loop piles wear out in high traffic areas.
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: Depends on traffic and brand
Flagler floor & design
Answer: Level loop
Explanation: Level loops are commercial carpet and could last longer then reg. residence carpet
Carpet King
Answer: Twist
Explanation: You need to have carpet with 7 or more twists.
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: It depends or the amount of traffic through the life of the carpet.
Douglas Flooring
Answer: Multi-level loop
Explanation: Beber carpet last the longest specially in a high traffick area and its also easy to keep clean.
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: It is not the type of carpet so much as the construction, weight, twist, and various other factors.
The Plan
Answer: Level loop
Explanation: may last longer as long as it is not snagged or have a yarn pulled
McDonough Flooring
Answer: Level loop
Explanation: This depends on a number of factors,but in general level loop.
All Flooring
Answer: Plush/velvet
Explanation: It really depends on how you take care of your carpet.
Rite Rug
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: Generally the style of carpet which is listed above doesn't determine how long it will last. What really determines the longevity of the carpet is the quality of the material, how heavy the backing is, what ply the yarn is and its type, etc. Another big factor to consider is the amount of traffic it will have, the homeowner should purchase material based on grade that they believe will hold up to their particular use.
M&B Flooring
Answer: Frieze
Explanation: tightly curled
Sarita's Cleaning Services, LLC
Answer: Plush/velvet
Explanation: Plush/ Velvet carpets are the longest lasting carpets.
Mangwi Services, LLC
Answer: Frieze
Explanation: according to the research, the frieze carpet tufts go in all directions, it holds up the longest due to the fact that you are not constantly pushing down from the top each time, as you would in regular plush carpet
us flooring factory
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: It all depends on how much the carpet is walked on.
Completely Clean
Answer: Multi-level loop
Explanation: durability
A-1 Maintenance Service Company
Answer: Multi-level loop
Explanation: High grade carpet last the longest and is the easiest to keep clean and to clean
Two Girls and A Crew Cleaning
Answer: Level loop
Explanation: I am really not sure, this is not my expertise.
Maids In America
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: Its been my experience as a professional installer in going back to a few homes 5 or 10 years later the differing styles of carpets look as good as they did when I installed them & that depends on where they were installed & how they were cared for & the precautions the homeowner took to protect their investment. All carpets are susceptible to high traffic wear & sunlight, so be careful of where you choose to install your carpet. That is why I choose "Does not matter".
Pro Carpet Service
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: Depending on foot traffic
Randys classic carpet cleaning
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: Depends highly on the manufacturer of the carpet and the fabric used in the manufacturing process.
Churley Flooring LLC
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: That question depends on how the owner takes care of the floor. Does the owner take their shoes off? Kids? Dogs?
Answer: Does not matter (all are the same)
Explanation: It about how you take care of it
Renew systems
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