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Does carpet padding extend the life of a carpet?

It depends on the type of pad
Not sure
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Question: Does carpet padding extend the life of a carpet?
Top Answer (61% of 54 votes): Yes.

Answer: Yes
Explanation: The better the padding the longer your carpet should last
Flawless Floors of KC LLC
Answer: It depends on the type of pad
Explanation: yes if the padding is 8 pound
Answer: It depends on the type of pad
Explanation: Each carpet has a specific type of pad
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes a firmer pad will extend the life of your carpet
Frank's Flooring Installations
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes by helping it vent
Carpet King
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Manufacturer warranty states that you must use at least a 6lb Padding. Padding gives carpet the support it needs
Southwest Florida Floors
Answer: Yes
Explanation: A good quality pad can help extend the life of your carpeting.
MJ Services
Answer: It depends on the type of pad
Explanation: Dense padding is always better for Carpet
McDonough Flooring
Answer: Yes
Explanation: padding acts as shock absorbers,would your car last longer with good shock absorbers?
All Flooring
Answer: Yes
Explanation: spill guard carpet will make even a cheap carpet look great and smell better for years longer than a pad without the spill guard, recommend this with every job
us flooring factory
Answer: Yes
Explanation: paddding helps support carpet
R&R Carpet Cleaning
Answer: Yes
Explanation: reduces impact
Randys classic carpet cleaning
Answer: Yes
Explanation: The padding is what gives your carpet it's life
I Got A Guy
Answer: It depends on the type of pad
Explanation: Answer says it all
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